Sunday, 17 July 2011

I don't want to 'cure' him...

There are many views on Autism: how it might be caused, what treatments to use, possibility of curing... From what I have read so far and from what I am experiencing I can say "I don't want my son's Autism 'cured"... *gasp, shock, horror* yes you read correctly. There are several reasons why I make this statement. The main reason comes from a video I watched of Temple Grandin giving a talk on Autism. She pointed out that if we had discovered a cure for Autism that many of the world's geniuses would not have in effect become geniuses and they most likely would not have invented or discovered the things they did. I see how focussed Jack is on certain details, dismissing all the social cues, and I am sure that his mind is capable of so much! But having said that, it is important that he get every help he can so he can function in 'our world' and use his talents in the things the rest of the world needs. Basically what I'm saying is we need to 'harness' a person's Autism, make it applicable in society, help each individual reach their potential and most of all enjoy life (the way they wish to... even if that means spinning themselves around until they fall over). Rather than completely extinguish that fire.

I love every part of Jack and that includes his Autism. His Autism doesn't make him who he is, but it is part of who he is. I also have a sneaking suspision that I am somewhat Autistic. I mean we all say that we have Autistic traits, but I am pretty sure I am on that spectrum (husband will agree, he likes to 'blame' me for Jack's ASD and I happily 'take it', I am proud to say Jack takes after me, that he thinks differently just like me).
I think it's when we embrace something and 'fit it' into our life that we can then make it 'work' , make it a joy rather than a battle.
This most likely won't be the last post on this topic *insert knowing and nodding winky and very smiley face* I plan on covering much more, but I am quite satisfied with what I have talked about tonight.  Although I will add that Temple Grandin's talk I linked above is a must see, so if you haven't watched it yet, please do! It's not only applicable to those with children who have Autism. It is applicable to us all! We all have minds that have 'specialities'. A topic I am passionate about. One I studied at university: Gardiner's Theory on Mulitple Intelligences. Which I will most likely discuss at a later date.


Kate said...

I needed to read this today, thanks Yeran.

I would not change a thing about my boys. My small boy in particular who faces the greater challenges... he's such a gentle and loving soul. The world needs more like him, not to change him!

Kim Wombles said...

I've added your blog to the Autism Blogs Directory.

Stranger Than Fiction aka Yeran said...

(((Hugs Kate))) Your welcome. Jack is like your 'small boy', a gentle and caring soul. I am learning so much from him! I know some days it won't feel like it, but we truly are blessed xxxx

KWombles thank you sooooo much!!

Broni said...

What a beautiful post. I am also in the camp that does not really go with the idea of 'curing' autism. I am not really sure I understand what it means to 'cure' autism. I understand that kids with autism have challenges and need some extra help. But like any other child I hope that all kids with Autism including my son can overcome their difficulties, utilise their unique gifts and participate to their full potential in the world as a happy and caring person.

I agree with you that Temple Grandin is someone that alot can be learnt from. She is just remarkable woman and someone that can help us all to better understand both people on the spectrum ... but I think all of us.
Thanks for sharing on Life on the Spectrum