Wednesday 14 September 2011

R U OK?????

Today I am linking up with the amazing Gemma from My Big Nutshell  for the Bloggers Collective for R U OK? Day intiative.

I haven't had a chance to write on my blog for a couple of weeks. I've been a bit run down and a little 'out of it'. But I knew I had to get my blogging energy back just for today as this is an important issue.

Recently a speech therapist from the CP Alliance came by for a home visit for my eldest son Liam. And after going through all the formalities of our goals for Liam, the speechy turned to me and asked "Are you ok? How are you coping?". I almost cried. I have been putting on a brave front for so long, as us Aussies usually do and this moment, a person asked me with sincerity how I am. Of course I am ok as compared to what I have felt in my past. But the fact someone took the time to ask me and was prepared to listen... well that made a huge difference. 

When I posted about my eating disorder battles/depression, I had feed back from friends who knew me from 'back in the day' and they had said "I knew something was up. I would've said something if it was the me of today". Yes indeed, hindsight is a wonderful thing. Luckily I didn't tip over the edge of that precipice and I am here today to talk about it. But as a society we need to know how important it is to ask these three words: R U OK? And not just to those who we can see going through a self destructive streak. It could be anyone. Anyone with a smile on their face and jovial words passing their lips could be in need of an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on.
And when you do ask... really mean it. Be ready to listen. It's not a conversation to offer solutions. It will be a conversation to offer a non-judgemental ear and a huge bear hug.


Elephant's Child said...

Beautiful and heart felt. And you are so right about the not offering solutions. Non judgemental listening is harder than it sounds, but so healing when it happens.

Gemma @ My Big Nutshell said...

Yeran, to hear this from you is so important. xx thinking of you luvvie xx